
Hands up if you find the dentist in Urmston stressful? Yep, that’s most people. We at Stretford Road Dental Practice totally hear you when you say the dentist can feel like the last thing you want to do. We’ve grown up in a society that’s fed us a narrative that the dentist is bad, that it’s expensive and it’s going to cause you a heap of new problems whenever you go. Now, we know there’s a whole load of media related reasons for this but today we want to focus not so much on what we’re told but the facts of what we your dentist in Urmston can offer patients… and guess what? You might be surprised.

Times Are Tough

First of all we want to acknowledge that we’re living in a cost of living crisis and every single one of us is trying to save money and be smart with it where we can. Going to the dentist for the vast majority isn’t free and as much as the team here at Stretford Road would love to offer all our patients free appointments we simply can’t. That being said, we’ve put together some fantastic monthly plans that should help spread the cost of your yearly dental expenses.

Let’s Take A Closer Look

THE BASIC PLAN – Our basic monthly plan covers the following: two dental check ups, two hygienist appointments, 20% additional treatments, simple emergency treatments at no extra charge and a twelve month redundancy policy.

THE ENHANCED PLAN – Our enhanced plan includes: two dental check ups, four hygienist appointments, 20% additional treatments, simple emergency treatments at no extra charge and a twelve month redundancy policy.

We’re also so happy we can offer students a discounted rate for two check ups and discounts off other treatments.

Why Our Plans Can Save You Time

You might not be seeing the link between our dental plans and time saving but through this plan it’s far more likely you’ll be booking in to see us regularly (which you can easily do online) and as such it’s more likely we’ll be able to catch any signs of dental trouble early on. This is important for a number of reasons but first and foremost as when something is caught early you’re less likely to need time consuming treatment plans that will require you to come back and forth to the dentist in Urmston.

Saving You Stress

Are you a worrier? Do you find yourself in little anxiety bubbles, stressing about one thing then the next. A little pain in a tooth can quickly become a big worry and all kinds of scenarios are being blasted through your brain. Well through the dental plans these worries can all be put to bed as you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you’ve done all you can and that any dental issues will have been picked up on by your dentist.

There’s also the added bonus of not having to worry about the financial element either. No need to worry about massive emergency dental bills because you’ve been keeping your teeth in check.